Coffee Table




I am totally and utterly addicted to Pinterest. It is just filled with so many awesome ideas. Take this one for example: A pin from DIY Vintage Chic on how to make a cute coffee table.
Today I made my very own, DIY Vintage Chic inspired, coffee table! The woman over at DIY Vintage Chic spent a lot of time on her coffee table. She bought crates from Michael’s. She made a frame for the table to sit on. She transferred wine labels onto the crates to make them look like old wine crates. AND she stained the crates to make a beautiful, vintage-esq piece.

I’m not that patient. Here is how I made my coffee table:

Step 1:

Pick up your materials from Michael’s (did you know that teachers get a 15% discount at Michael’s) and a hardware store


4 Large Craft Crates

3 Cans of Spray Paint (I used a brown, wood color)


4 Wheels 


Step 2: Remove the (insert profanity here) stickers from the crates. Why can’t they put these stickers on the bottom?? Who knows. Don’t worry about any left over residue from the stickers. You wont use that side.

Step 3: Spray Paint the crates. Remember: You don’t need to spray paint the back or the bottom of the crates (I did paint the very top row on the back of each one). Also, I decided not to paint the side that would be attaching to the back of another crate (this was the side with the stupid sticker. In hindsight, I wish I had just done a quick coat because part of that side shows through.

Step 4: Screw your crates together.

(The color, in the sunlight, was much redder than I was anticipating. Actually, the paint can didn’t seem red at all. I thought I was just buying a basic brown paint)

Step 5 and 6: Screw the wheels in and do what you will to the middle.


The finished product. Again, it is out in the sunshine and looks very red. In actuality, the color is much more brown:

Still has a red tone to it, but I like it much more when it is out of the sun and in my apartment. It’s a rich, brown color. I plan on having my wonderful father cut me a piece of ply wood to put in the middle area. I will then fill it with some river rocks that I have left over from a bamboo plant. Other ideas for the middle: corks, large flower pot, sand. For now, I have a small basket that will fit perfectly over the spot.

Overall, this was a VERY EASY project. I would recommend it to anyone who has a few hours in the afternoon!






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