Inspired Reader

During the past two weeks, my students have been typing up stories that they wrote. We are a room of various typing abilities, since some students have access to computers at home and others do not. Also, I teach a combined 1st and 2nd grade classroom. The second graders are expected to use more detail in their stories than the first graders are Thus, students have been finishing at all different times.

One of my first graders who finished particularly early worked on typing for a while (we practiced typing before we started our stories. My kids LOVE BBC Dance Mat Typing). So this student who finished early and wasn’t that interested in typing, was reading (always a good alternative).

She found this poem in a book and rushed over to read it to me (“Ms. Comeau! Ms. Comeau! I found this beautiful poem about books I want to read to you!!)

Good Books, Good Times!

Lee Bennett Hopkins

Good books.

Good tines.

Good stories.

Good rhymes.

Good beginnings.

Good ends.

Good people.

Good friends.

Good fictions.

Good facts.

Good adventures.

Good acts.

Good stories.

Good rhymes.

Good books.

Good times.

This book is about 24 years old. The teacher who was the 1/2 teacher a few years before me (who taught at the school for a long time) must have left it. I don’t know how this child found the book. I don’t have the biggest classroom library, but she found it! I just think it is so cool that my little 1st grader was inspired by a poem.

This is our classroom Library after a week of use! Luckily I have a student who LOVES to organize and always volunteers to organize it for us!

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